Charming Bouquet

Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet
Charming Bouquet

Charming Bouquet


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Charming Bouquet

From the same collection

This is not just a puzzle — it is a wooden puzzle. It will be a great gift for both a child and an adult. 

This bouquet embodies the peak of the summer and its bright colors! The desire to immerse yourself in its beauty and aroma is irresistible, assembling the puzzle is the way to a warm summer meadow, under curly clouds running in the sky. Collect this composition — flower by flower — and find the perfect place for it in your home so that the summer atmosphere does not leave you even in winter.

The blossom of cheerful flowers and pale green leaves will tell your darlings about your feelings better than a thousand words. And with every piece collected, your love will bloom like these beautiful flowers.

Puzzles from the Flora series convey care and intimacy, preserving a piece of spring and reminding us that true love never fades.

Giving such a bouquet is a double pleasure: the packaging resembles a box of chocolates, and the assembly will bring a lot of vivid emotions and pleasant moments.

These puzzles make a stunning addition to any interior and will delight you and your loved ones with their vibrant colors, even when a storm rages outside and snowflakes whirl around your windows.


This exciting game is suitable for school children and adults.

One Size - 24.9×25.5 cm (9.5×9.8 in) - 200 pcs - average complexity, assembly time 2-4 hours.


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We take pride in providing quality products and carefully inspect products before shipment. In the rare case that the item is faulty, damaged during transit, or if you're not satisfied with your order, please contact us for details on how to get a refund or replacement.

see more ˅
The perfect gift: flowers that will never wither or fade
Bright gift wrapping that looks like a box of chocolates
Curly edges make assembly harder and more fun
Butterfly and bud-shaped details fill the puzzle with a sense of spring
The cut of each puzzle is unique, like real flowers
Top quality material and UV printing
In the very heart of the bouquet the unique Unidragon is hidden

frequently asked questions

In che modo differiscono le dimensioni dei pezzi per le dimensioni del puzzle: S, M, KS, RS?
What is a wooden puzzle?
How long does each size puzzle take to assemble?
Who are the puzzles suitable for?
What do I do with completed puzzles?
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Un solo set ti permetterà di appendere 6 puzzle piccoli, 3 puzzle medi o 3 puzzle King Size.

Incolla il cartone sulla superficie.

Passo 1.

Incolla il cartone sulla superficie.

Sottofondo incluso

Sposta il puzzle sul cartone.

Passo 2.

Sposta il puzzle sul cartone.

Capovolgi il puzzle.

Passaggio 3.

Capovolgi il puzzle.

Attacca la pellicola al puzzle.

Passaggio 4.

Attacca la pellicola al puzzle.

Liscia la pellicola sul puzzle.

Passaggio 5.

Liscia la pellicola sul puzzle.

Taglia la pellicola in eccesso.

Passaggio 6.

Taglia la pellicola in eccesso.

Posiziona i talloni della colla sul nastro.

Passaggio 7.

Posiziona i talloni della colla sul nastro.

It is removable and will not damage your walls

Fissa il puzzle al muro.

Step 8.

Fissa il puzzle al muro.

In magazzino

Ora puoi trasformare facilmente il tuo puzzle in un pezzo di arredamento per la casa, l'ufficio o praticamente ovunque.

Il kit comprende:

  • Una base di cartone per capovolgere il puzzle;
  • Adesivi speciali per attaccare la base al tavolo;
  • Etichette adesive per tenere insieme i pezzi del puzzle (3 fogli);
  • Toppe adesive per attaccare il puzzle alla superficie desiderata;
  • Toppe adesive per attaccare il puzzle alla superficie desiderata;
  • Istruzioni.

Il sistema di fissaggio è universale per tutti i puzzle e tutte le dimensioni

In magazzino

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